Are modern gadgets destroying your realtion?
Sad but true! Those were the days when the cell phone was not invented, the laptop was unaffordable and the TV was the only gadget relationships had to contend with. Happy couples would plan beautiful, lazy weekends together absorbed in each other’s company, oblivious of the outside world and totally switched off from daily tensions and stress. But take a look at today’s scenario. Work demands far exceed work hours and often the couple hardly see each other for days on end. Is work then slowly but surely destroying the fortress of marriage and making couples total strangers to each other? Take a peek into the divorce courts and the calm, clinical attitude of the couple who has applied for divorce will stun you. Matter of fact, no emotional upheavals, no sense of loss – where oh where has all the intimacy of marriage gone?
Want to solve this problem?
There area few things we can do to improve relationship before it sours beyond repair and ends in the divorce court.
*Make a clear demarcation between work and home. Never carry work home and never
discuss work at home.
*Remember that the bedroom is the one place in the house where the two of you can
spend quality time together in private. Never let your laptop come between you and
kill the romance.
*Stop thinking about work and its problems the minute you cross the threshold at
home. Instead greet your spouse happily and ask about his day. And please, for
heaven’s sake, the Saas Bahu soaps can wait!
*Try and avoid overtime just for the sake of money. Evenings are for the family and
better for your relationship to keep it that way. Even better if you can revive the
tradition of spending the weekend together.
*Most important, no business calls on the cell phone when you are home. This time is
purely family time and don’t let work elements disturb these precious hours. You
may be the CEO of your company, but at home you are a wife and mother and your
relationship will survive against all odds if only you remember that!
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