Chamomile tea is great for relaxation
Chamomile tea is used to reduce stress, promote relaxation and restful sleep, reduce inflammation and more! Chamomile was used thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt, where it was honored for its great curative properties. It was first used in Europe about 1600, to help with insomnia, back pain, rheumatism, neuralgia and nervousness.
Years ago, in both Europe and the United States, chamomile tea was a common cure for “the vapors.” This malady was characterized by fainting, swooning and general anxiety, most often in women. Chamomile grows throughout the world. The blossoms are the part of the plant that is used.
Chamomile is also known as camomile. Other names for this herb include garden chamomile, low chamomile, Roman chamomile and whig plant. Chamomile is used both internally, most often taken as a tea, and externally.
Used as a tea, chamomile is known to relax smooth muscle tissue. In this way, it is useful in such things as calming a nervous stomach and relieving menstrual cramps. The tea is often used to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. External uses of chamomile include reducing inflammation of the skin, soothing hemorrhoids, and relieving toothache. The herb is also added to shampoos to brighten blond hair.
Combined with bittersweet, chamomile may be used as an ointment. In this form, it can be rubbed on the skin and used to treat bruises, callouses, corns and sprains.
To make a cup of Chamomile tea it's important to use water that is very hot but not boiling because boiling water can destroy the therapeutic properties of the Chamomile herb. If you prefer using loose dried Chamomile add two teaspoons of it to an individual tea infuser. Add the infuser, or a teabag if you're using this instead, to your cup and pour in the heated water. Let it steep for about five minutes and then it's ready to drink. Some people prefer covering their cup while it's steeping in order to hold in even more healthful properties that may be carried away by the steam
Possible benefits of chamomile:
1. May help regulate menstrual periods.
2. May be good for the kidneys.
3. May be good for spleen health.
4. May help alleviate symptoms of the common cold.
5. May promote relaxation and relieve stress.
6. May help induce sleep.
7. May calm nervous stomach and improve digestion.
8. May soothe skin irritations, including sunburn, heat rash and hemorrhoids.
9. May relieve toothache.
10. May improve bronchitis.
11. May help with bladder troubles.
12. May help to expel worms and other parasites.
13. May improve liver function and relieve jaundice.
14. May be used as a poultice for swelling and pain.
15. May help prevent gangrene.
16. May relieve back pain.
17. May improve rheumatism.
Note: Chamomile should not be used during pregnancy.
Caution: Chamomile is a member of the daisy family of plants, which includes ragweed. Those with allergies to ragweed should avoid the use of chamomile.
Chamomile is a wonderful gift from Nature!
Do not use it as a substitute for medical advice.
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