Life holds us accountable whether we like it or not. Every action produces irrefutable consequences. And though we may try to hide from those consequences, in the end they always catch up to us.
What will you do today to uphold the responsibility you have to your own possibilities? What about in the next twenty minutes? What consequences will your actions produce?
Hold yourself accountable, and the consequences work in your favor. Accept the responsibility for your own life, and you gain control of your own destiny. It's easy, and often very reasonable, to blame your troubles on something or someone outside yourself. It's easy to expect other people, or changing conditions, to solve your problems for you. It's easy to expect dumb luck to bring fulfillment into your life. Easy, and yet sadly misguided.
Ultimately, only you can be accountable for you. It is a serious responsibility and a boundless opportunity.
" Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly."
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