To have a beautiful, smooth and vibrant skin it is very important that you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. The first step to regain complete health is to remove toxins from the body. When the cells in your body are clogged up with acid, sugar, and toxins you have no energy, you don't sleep well, your complexion is bad, your eyes are dull, you suffer from acidity and stomach upsets, you're nervous and irritable, and you feel indifferent - everything seems wrong. The sensible and logical thing to do is to clean out your body, not just the bowels but also the cells. By purging these cells, the body rids itself of accumulated toxic material. A simple, yet effective 6-day diet cleans the body from the inside and helps you get a clear complexion, you will sleep more soundly, acidity and stomach upsets will disappear, your nerves will be at ease and you will feel beautiful and lively and life will be full of joy.
The Journey Toward A Healthy Life: A Six-Day Diet Regimen
Fifteen minutes before you are ready to eat breakfast squeeze the juice of one lemon in a medium glass of hot water and drink it. The rest of the meal consists of 250 ml of fruit juice (orange or grape), 5 level tablespoons of cottage cheese, 250g fresh fruit - you can eat only one kind of fruit or combine fruits in a salad (no bananas or avocados). You may drink one cup of tea, with milk and sugar if desired. Between breakfast and lunch you should drink all the vegetable broth (recipe provided) as you can hold. Also eat fresh raw fruit. Make a large quantity of the vegetable broth and store in the refrigerator.
Drink two cups of vegetable broth during the meal. Make a salad by chopping fresh, raw vegetables in a bowl. Use four from the following list: Asparagus, beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, celery, green peppers, lettuce, onions, pumpkin, spinach, squash, tomatoes. For dessert, slice fresh fruit and serve with drizzle of honey. You may drink a small glass of fresh milk if desired. Between lunch and dinner drink all the vegetable juice you desire and eat all the fresh fruit you want.
Drink two cups of vegetable broth during the meal. Select two or three of the different kinds of vegetables listed and steam-cook them with a little butter. Eat a generous helping of each. Eat a medium slice of whole-wheat bread with butter. For dessert, eat a fresh fruit salad. If you feel hungry after dinner, eat as much fresh fruits as you want and drink vegetable juice.
To make vegetable broth, dice 7 carrots and 1 small bunch of celery into small pieces. Place in 2 quarts water and boil for 15 minutes. Add one-third bunch of fresh parsley and a large handful of fresh spinach. Flavour with tomatoes, green peppers or garlic. Boil 10 minutes more. Drain off the broth, retaining the fluid. Flavour with salt of onion. This recipe makes about one day's supply. It can be used hot or cold. The purpose of this broth is to flush the system, so drink lots of it during the 6 days. It's loaded with minerals.
This is a tough journey and you will face problems in the way but be strong and don't give up. At the end of the first day, you may feel slight discomfort by having changed your regular mode of eating, but this is natural. About the third or fourth day the bowels and kidneys will begin to move freely and much toxic waste will be eliminated. You may experience headache and perhaps nausea but do not become alarmed. About the fifth day, you will begin to feel a surge of energy. Your general health will begin to improve and colour returned to your complexion, your eyes will begin to brighten, and you will feel wonderfully healthy. Continue on the diet until the end of the sixth day. From now on, follow a balanced diet with health giving whole foods, fresh fruit and vegetables.
తండేల్ - కథ - కథనం - విశ్లేషణ
3 weeks ago
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