Annie Besant 1847 - 1933
Annie Besant a woman who made a mark in life. India owes its theosophical society to her ideology.
Yet, at no time did Annie Besant claim the ideology to be truly hers. Theosophy was a religious movement that was founded by Madame Blavatsky in 1875. Annie joined the movement in 1890. By this time she had rejected the concepts of Christianity.
Annie Besant was born to William and Emily Wood in 1847. Her father died early in life and her mother couldn't afford to support her. So little Annie was brought up by her mother's friend, Ellen Marryat.
At the age of nineteen, Annie married Rev. Frank Besant, a young clergyman. It wasn't a happy marriage, as her independent spirit couldn't accept her husband's orthodox views on life.
Annie also began to question her own beliefs. She strongly believed in women's rights and refused to follow the dictates of the church. She didn't accept the orthodox Christian beliefs that her husband was so passionate about. In a few short years, their marriage had ended and Annie started a new life with her little daughter.
She lost no time in joining the Secular society. This society was based on the Hindu idea of karma, re-incarnation and nirvana. Annie Besant moved to India and set up a Theosophical society.. This organisation believed in equality of all mankind.
But she continued to remain involved in women's rights and often wrote to British newspapers about women's suffrage.
During her stay in India, she joined the Indian Independence Movement. In fact she was imprisoned by the British authorities during the First World War.
Annie Besant died in India in 1933.
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