At first your dream will seem impossible. Work on it anyway, and it goes from being impossible to improbable. There's now a tiny glimmer of hope. Still, even though it is possible, even though it could happen, most likely it won't. Work on it anyway.
Keep working on it, and soon you'll realize that it probably will happen. Your efforts have elevated your dream from impossible, all the way to likely. You start to feel that you've got it made, yet now is not the time to stop. Work on it anyway.
Then, the bottom drops out. Life throws you an unexpected curve. It all falls apart. Suddenly, your dream is not going to happen. Work on it anyway. Look for a way to make it happen. You've come too far to give up without a fight.
Work on it anyway, and you'll find a way to reclaim your dream. The obstacles which seemed so insurmountable, were actually just the final step on the road to fulfillment of your dream. You've finally arrived -- you've attained your dream and life is great. Work on it anyway. Now is your chance to reach even higher.
" Each day do something to make yourself feel happy, until this becomes a habit."
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